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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
This resource contains a word search on phase 2 of the first one hundred high-frequency words.
You may also be interested in:
First One Hundred High-Frequency Words Resource Pack
The resource contains:
Four PowerPoints containing the first 100 high-frequency words in phase order - building blocks based theme.
30 spelling practice worksheets (differentiated). These are ideal for homework.
Word mat of the 100 high-frequency words.
Eight word searches on the first 100 high-frequency words (phase order)
Flash cards for all of the 100 high-frequency words.
A set of certificates to award to pupils for progress and achievements in mastering the reading and spelling of the first 100 words.
More Spelling Resources
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This resource contains a short PowerPoint presentation on full stops and capital letters.
You may also be interested in:
Full Stops - 50 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable 50-slide PowerPoint lesson presented by the punctuation character - the ‘Full Stop’ who explains how and when to use the full stop and why it is important to place it accurately in writing. The PowerPoint clearly demonstrates that a capital letter is needed at the start of a sentence. Ample opportunities are provided throughout the PowerPoint for pupils to decide where the full stops and capital letters should go.
Full Stops - Set of 14 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 14 worksheets on using full stops to demarcate sentences. Answers are also included.
Tasks include:
Placing full stops at the end of simple sentences
Placing full stops in writing containing several sentences
Placing full stops in short paragraphs
Composing own sentences
Correcting sentences in which the full stops have been incorrectly placed
These resources are appropriate for Year 2- 6 pupils and older SEN / ASL / Entry Level students who may find sentence demarcation challenging and have yet to master the basics of punctuation in writing.
More Free English Resources
This is a short presentation on alphabetical order using the first letter. It clearly demonstrates how to place words in alphabetical order.
You may also be interested in:
Alphabetical Order: 80-Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is an editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson about alphabetical order. The PowerPoint clearly and visually demonstrates and explains alphabetical order to the first, second, third, fourth and fifth letter. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to practise putting items into alphabetical order.
You may also be interested in:
Alphabetical Order: 24-Page Workbook
This resource contains a 24-page workbook on alphabetical order. It includes three information sheets, nineteen worksheets (with answers) and a progress check. Tasks include:
placing words/ items in alphabetical order by the second and third letters
locating patient's names in a filing system
locating CDs in alphabetically labelled boxes
writing lists in alphabetical order
Save money and buy both the PowerPoint lesson and the worksheets at a discounted rate:
Alphabetical Order - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
More Free English and Maths Worksheets
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This resource contains two worksheets on action verbs. You may also be interested in:
Action Verbs - 15 Page Workbook
This 15-page workbook contains one information sheet and fourteen worksheets on action verbs. Tasks include:
matching verbs to pictures
choosing correct verb to insert into a sentence
identifying verbs within sentences
writing own sentences using verbs
Action Verbs PowerPoint Lesson
This is an editable, 55-slide PowerPoint lesson. The PowerPoint includes:
An explanation of action verbs with examples
Identifying action verbs in sentences
Action pictures as a stimulus for pupils to think of appropriate verbs
Sorting words into adjectives, nouns and verbs
The PowerPoint also contains a link to a short video on action verbs.
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Action Verbs PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
Action Verbs Posters
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains two worksheets on words ending in -ey that make the long ‘e’ sound.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 20 Differentiated Worksheets - Words Ending in -ey - The Long ‘e’ Sound
This resource contains a set of 20 worksheets, some differentiated, on words ending in -ey at the end of a word with a long ‘e’ sound. Tasks include finding missing words, constructing sentences , word searches and spelling practice worksheets.
PowerPoint Lesson - Words Ending in -ey
This is a 55 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in -ey with the long ‘e’ sound. Words include journey, money, monkey, honey, jockey, abbey… It also explains that the plural of ‘ey’ words are formed by just adding the letter ‘s’.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 20 Worksheets - Words Ending in -ey - The Long ‘e’ Sound
These resources are appropriate for primary pupils and older SEN / ASL pupils who have yet to master the basics in phonics.
More Free English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains worksheets on plurals for words ending in -y.
You may also be interested in:
Plurals PowerPoint Lesson
This resource is a fully editable, 100+ slide PowerPoint lesson on making plurals for nouns. It is appropriate for primary aged pupils and older SEN students due to the highly visual nature of the resource.
The PowerPoint explains the rules for making plurals for:
regular nouns - adding ‘s’
nouns ending in ‘ch’ , ‘sh’, ‘x’, ‘ss’ , ‘x’ , ‘z’ and ‘s’
nouns ending in ‘o’
nouns ending in ‘f’, ‘ff’ and ‘fe’
nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a consonant
nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a vowel
irregular plurals
exceptions to the rules
Opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to form plurals and there is a timed plural challenge activity.
Plurals - Set of 26 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 26 differentiated worksheets on plurals.
Plurals Revision Memo Mat
This is a succinct revision mat containing the rules and exceptions for forming plurals.
Save money and buy all three resources in abundle at a discounted rate:
Plurals Bundle
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a worksheet on capital letters. You may also be interested in:
Capital Letters PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a fully editable, 75-slide PowerPoint lesson on and a set of 27 worksheets on capital letters. The PowerPoint clearly explains and demonstrates why, when and where capital letters are used. The PowerPoint focuses on using capital letters for: the start of sentences, the pronoun I, proper nouns - places, names, geographical features, book and film titles, days of the week, months of the year, special days, buildings etc, addressing envelopes
Tasks include:
Identifying words that require capital letters
Identifying where capital letters should be used in sentences
These resources are suitable for Key Stage 1 pupils and older SEN students who will benefit from the visual nature of the resource.
Capital Letters - Set of 27 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 27 worksheets on when capital letters are used. Tasks include using capital letters for: the start of sentences, the pronoun I, proper nouns - names, places, days of the week, months,
geographical features and landmarks, wellknown and famous buildings, brand names / companies / businesses, movie and book titles, the start of direct speech, addressing envelopes
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Capital Letters - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Christmas Snap! This is a bright and colourful resource that can be laminated and used for educational and fun activities. There are 48 Christmas themed cards.
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Christmas-Themed Happy Families
Happy Families involves collecting all 4 members of the family. There are 56 cards ( 14 families) printed with Christmas themed pictures. The resource also includes the rules of the game.
All of these resources can help to develop communication and language skills, social interaction skills, turn taking and following rules.
More Christmas Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains an anagram puzzle on Pancake Day / Lent.
You may also be interested in:
Lent and Easter Puzzle Pack - Set of 11 Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords
This resource contains:
- 4 differentiated word searches
- 3 differentiated anagram puzzles
- 4 differentiated crosswords
So, Why Do We have Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? Lent / Easter Presentation
This resource contains an informative and fully editable 42-slide PowerPoint presentation on Lent and Easter. It includes all the significant events:
- Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day
- Maundy Thursday - Maundy money
- Palm Sunday
- The Last Supper
- Judas' Betrayal
- Good Friday
- The Crucifixion
- Easter Sunday
- Why we have pancakes
- Why we have hot cross buns
- Why we have Easter eggs
There is a hyperlink to a video on the Easter Story.
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Lent / Easter Presentation and Puzzle Pack
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
These are some high frequency word spelling worksheets.
You may also be interested in:
High Frequency Words Worksheets
This resource contains the third set of 100 high-frequency words worksheets.
They are ideal for spelling practice and homework.
The spelling sheets are differentiated.
The first set is the most challenging and require pupils have to use the words in a sentence.
The second set contains just the words for spelling (no sentences).
The third set is for those pupils who experience difficulty in writing. The words can be written
This resource is also suitable for SEN pupils who have yet to master the spelling of high-frequency words.
Save money and buy all three sets at a discounted rate:
High Frequency Words Bundle
This resource contains an anagram puzzle about Roald Dahl's children's' books. It is an ideal resource for World Book Day or Roald Dahl Day.
You may also be interested in:
Roald Dahl Puzzle Pack - Set of 13 Differentiated Word Searches, Crossords, Cryptograms and Anagrams
This resource contains a set of 13 differentiated anagrams, word searches, crosswords and cryptograms on Roald Dahl's books including Matilda, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Danny Champion of the World, Fantastic Mr Fox, George’s Marvellous Medicine, The Twits, Boy, The Giraffe, Pelly and Me, The Enormous Crocodile, The Magic Finger, Esio Trot and The Witches.
Roald Dahl PowerPoint Presentation
Roald Dahl Simple Text Presentation
Roald Dahl Children's Books Quiz - 100 Questions
Roald Dahl's Life and Works Quiz - 50 Questions
Set of 12 Roald Dahl's Quote Posters
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a sentence writing word frame containing some of the first 100 high-frequency words. The use of the frame will help young pupils and older SEN students to consolidate the learning of keywords and help them with sentence construction.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheets - Set 1
10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheet - Set 2
These resources contain ten writing frames and a worksheet for use with the frames
Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate these words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing.
They are ideal resources for young pupils and older pupils who have difficulty with writing and reading independently. It is particularly appropriate for SEN students who find reading and writing challenging. The support of the frame makes sentence writing accessible and gives pupils a feeling of confidence - that they can do it! Often the key to success in getting pupils to write is giving them self-confidence. I have used these frames successfully over many years to get older SEN pupils motivated to read and write independently.
Save money and buy both sets at a discounted rate:
High Frequency Word Writing Frames - Sets 1 and 2 (Twenty Frames) and Writing Sheet
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a short presentation on Roald Dahl.
You may also be interested in:
Roald Dahl - 85 Slide Presentation
This resource is an informative and fully editable, 85-slide PowerPoint presentation on the life and work of Roald Dahl.
The presentation focuses on:
His birthplace and parentage
His education and schooling
His career - RAF fighter pilot
His family
References and excerpts from his works including The BFG, Matilda, Fantastic Mr Fox, Boy: Dreams of Childhood, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Danny Champion of the World, The Gremlins, Going Solo
His likes and dislikes, interests and hobbies
His imaginative and fun use of language and wordplay
Roald Dahl’s Children’s Gallery, Roald Dahl Plass, Roald Dahl Festival at Aylesbury
Dahlicious Dress Up Day, Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.
The Powerpoint also contains hyperlinks to Roald Dahl’s writing hut, The BFG movie trailer, audio of Roald Dahl giving writing tips and about his writing, Roald Dahl being interviewed by Terry Wogan, Roald’s home at Gipsy Cottage, Great Missenden.
A simple text, 81 slide version of the presentation, more appropriate for younger pupils is also available:
Roald Dahl Simple Text Presentation
More Roald Dahl Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
This resource contains a short quiz on Roald Dahl’s children's books.
You may also be interested in:
Roald Dahl’s Children’s Books – 100 Question Quiz
This is a fully editable, 100 question PowerPoint quiz on Roald Dahl’s children’s books and includes questions on Matilda, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Danny Champion of the World, Fantastic Mr Fox, George’s Marvellous Medicine, The Twits, Boy, The Giraffe, Pelly and Me, The Enormous Crocodile, The Magic Finger and The Witches.
It is an ideal resource for an assembly, a lesson or with a tutor group, particularly on World Book Day or on Roald Dahl Day in September.
The quiz contains 100 questions with multiple choice answers. It can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the Roald Dahl image on each slide. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is also provided.
Sample questions:
1. In which book is this quote from ‘If you are good, life is good?’
2. Charlie is the last person to find a golden ticket in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.’ Who was the third?
3. In ‘James and the Giant Peach’ James is forced to go and live with his aunts after his parents are killed. What were his parents killed by?
4. In ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ who runs the chocolate factory?
5. What are the evil creatures that Charlie Bucket meets in ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator?
Roald Dahl Presentation
This is an informative, 80 slide PowerPoint presentation on the life and work of Roald Dahl. The PowerPoint focuses on:
His birthplace and parentage
His education and schooling
His career as an RAF fighter pilot
His family
His works
His likes, dislikes, interests and hobbies
His imaginative and fun use of language and wordplay
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author
Worksheet on making plurals by adding ‘es’ to nouns ending in -s and -x.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 5 Christmas Themed Worksheets on Plurals
This resource contains five worksheets on plurals. Tasks include making plurals for:
- regular nouns - adding ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘ch’ , ‘sh’, ‘x’ and ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’ - change ‘f’ to ‘v’ and add ‘es’
- nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by consonant - change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
- common exceptions
There is also a revision sheet on making plurals.
An accompanying highly interactive and fully editable 30 slide PowerPoint lesson on making plurals (Christmas themed) is also available.
Christmas Themed PowerPoint Lesson on Making Plurals
This resource is a highly visual, seasonal and interactive and fully editable 30 slide PowerPoint lesson on making plurals for nouns. The lesson is ably delivered by Santa. The PowerPoint is editable and can be adapted to suit any time of the school year! It is appropriate for primary pupils and older SEN students to the highly visual nature of the resource.
Resources include:
1. PowerPoint explaining the rules for making plurals for
- regular nouns - adding ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘ch’ , ‘sh’, ‘x’, ‘ss’ and ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’ - change ‘f’ to ‘v’ and add ‘es’
- nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by consonant - change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
Opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to apply the rules.
Christmas Themed Making Plurals PowerPoint Lesson and 5 Christmas Themed Worksheets on Plurals
These resources are suitable for Year 1-6 pupils and older SEN students who will benefit from the highly visual nature of these resources.
More Christmas Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
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This is a high frequency word spelling worksheet.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 30 High Frequency Words Spelling Practice Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 100 high-frequency words differentiated worksheets. They are ideal for spelling practice and homework. The first set is the most challenging and require pupils have to use the words in a sentence. The second set contains just the words for spelling (no sentences). The third set is for those pupils who experience difficulty in writing. The words can be written
This resource is also suitable for SEN pupils who have yet to master the spelling of high-frequency words.
Save money and buy all three sets at a discounted rate:
Three sets of High Frequency Words Spelling Practice Worksheets
This is a short PowerPoint presentation on using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. It contains sample slides from a much longer presentation detailing all the occasions when capital letters are used. See below for details.
Capital Letters PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a fully editable, 75-slide PowerPoint lesson on capital letters. The PowerPoint clearly explains and demonstrates why, when and where capital letters are used. The PowerPoint includes:
Using capital letters at the start of sentences
Using capital letters for the pronoun I
Using capital letters for proper nouns - places, names, geographical features, book and film titles, days of the week, months of the year, special days, buildings etc
Using capital letters to address envelopes
Tasks include:
Identifying words that require capital letters
Identifying where capital letters should be used in sentences
These resources are suitable for Key Stage 1 pupils and older SEN students who will benefit from the visual nature of the resource.
You may also be interested in:
Capital Letters - Set of 27 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 27 worksheets on when capital letters are used. Tasks include using capital letters for: the start of sentences, the pronoun I, proper nouns - names, places, days of the week, months,
geographical features and landmarks, wellknown and famous buildings, brand names / companies / businesses, movie and book titles, the start of direct speech, addressing envelopes
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Capital Letters - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
Thank you note and template - ideal for Entry Level 1 students working towards functional skills English qualifications/accreditation.
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Writing Short Notes
This resource contains a set of postcard / note writing worksheets containing exemplars and templates including
Get Well Soon
Thank You
Party Invitation
Good Luck
Happy Birthday
This is an ideal resource for Entry Level 1 students working towards Functional Skills English where students have to
Use written words and phrases to present information.
Construct simple sentences using full stops.
Spell correctly some personal or very familiar words.
More Entry Level Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a sentence writing frame that incorporates the indefinite articles - ‘a’ and ‘an’.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 10 Writing Frames - ‘a’ or 'an’
This resource contains a set of ten writing frames to reinforce the correct use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word. In addition to helping pupils to choose the correct article ‘a’ or ‘an’. It is a particularly useful resource for students who struggle to master the basics of writing. It provides a framework and scaffolding for pupils to achieve some success in creating sentences independently. Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate high-frequency words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing.
a or an - 100 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This PowerPoint lesson explains how to use the articles ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word by examining the first letter to determine whether or not it has a vowel sound.
Set of 8 Differentiated Worksheets on ‘a’ or 'an’
This resource contains a set of 8 worksheets on the use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word. It is appropriate for younger primary pupils and older SEN / EFL students who have yet to master the basics of English.
Save money and buy all these resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
a or an Bundle
More Free English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
A word frame containing some of the first 100 high-frequency words. The use of the frame will help young pupils and older SEN students to consolidate the learning of keywords and help them with sentence construction.
Two sets of 10 frames and accompanying writing sheet are available. See below for details.
Set of 10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheets
10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheet - Set 2
These resources involve pupils creating sentences with the use of writing frames that contain many of the first one hundred high-frequency words. Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate these words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing.
They are ideal resources for young pupils and older pupils who have difficulty with writing and reading independently. It is particularly appropriate for SEN students who find reading and writing challenging. The support of the frame makes sentence writing accessible and gives pupils a feeling of confidence - that they can do it! Often the key to success in getting pupils to write is giving them self-confidence. I have used these frames successfully over many years to get older SEN pupils motivated to read and write independently.
The resource includes
Ten high-frequency word writing frames containing most of the first hundred high-frequency words -containing nouns, verbs and prepositions.
An accompanying writing sheets for use with the frames that include self-assessment and afl sections.
Save money and buy both sets at a discounted rate:
High Frequency Word Writing Frames - Sets 1 and 2 (Twenty Frames) and Writing Sheet
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide